
First AWS Certificate

My first one with 83%. Not bad. It takes me about one month for preparation. I had previous experience using CloudFormation, SageMaker and Lambda plus extensive Cisco networking baackground so don’t feel any difficulty.

AWS Certified Solution Architect Associate

In about 14 years time, AWS has become a money-making machine for Amazon and contributes about 60% revenue. It’s such a successful story for a SaaS company to expand into IaaS business. It got so popular in Australia. As usual, this market has always been dominated by US software vendors. Check out their job portal, you should tell how aggressive AWS is expanding in Australia.

Personally, I feel it’s like a one stop shop for your business needs and AWS makes migration so easy. I like Lambda, Beanstalk and DynamoDB or I shall say I am additicted to it somehow. It’s truly an amazing platform. Wanna start a SaaS business? It could only take you like one week time to go online if you got your business idea ready.

Time for professional level then speciality in Security, Big Data Analytics and Machine Learning.

Useful information:

  1. Official textbook
  2. Online practice exam
  3. Cheat sheets
  4. Go register your account at AWS and practice, practice and practice.